Learn Ollie

Ollie Tricks

ollie tricks

There's many variation of the ollie tricks. If you are just learning to do ollie tricks, here's the list ( in order ) you should start.

1) Stationary Skateboard Ollie
2) Rolling Skateboard Ollie
3) Skateboard Fakie Ollie
4) Ollie Off Obstacles
5) Ollie Onto Objects
6) Skateboard FS 180 Ollie
7) Skateboard BS 180 Ollie
8) Skateboard Ollie Shifty .
9) Skateboard 360 Ollie

Cant Ollie

cant ollie

Is there for some reasons that you can't do the ollie?
Is there something that you did wrong?
Eager in getting your first ollie?

Here are 5 key factors to keep in mind if you can't ollie:

How to do an ollie for beginners

how to do an ollie for beginners

If you thought that learning how to ollie on a skateboard for beginners is going to be easy, do keep in mind that this won't be something that you can master in hours. Unless you are born with a natural talent in skateboarding, it will take you quite a while to learn how to ollie.