To be in mid air, on a skateboard is nothing but exhilarating. Once you learn the basics of skateboarding, you'll hardly resist doing some of the basic tricks with your lovely skateboard.
One of the most popular tricks are none other than the ollie skateboarding trick. It's really important to know how to do an ollie for beginners as it is the essential component in many other skateboarding tricks. Therefore, if you just started skateboarding, this trick is a must for you! So how do you do an ollie? Let's start right away!
How To Do An Ollie For Beginners
Main criteria in doing the ollie is that you have to get the hang of your skateboard. Make sure that you learn the basics first or you will not be able to do the ollie and many other great tricks which require you to know how to ollie. Once you are really comfortable with your skateboard, this is what you have to do:
Step 1 - The Stance
Now to start things, you need to know the stance! The ball of your back foot have to be on the tail of the skateboard. Similarly, the middle and front truck of your skateboard should be the place where you put your front foot. This is one of the better position of your feet when unleashing your ollie. Please take this seriously as this is what you need to know before learning how to do an ollie for beginners.
Step 2 - Rolling Ollie
Rolling ollie is basically ollie while the skateboard is moving. To start, bend your knees deeply. The secret is that the more you bend, the higher your ollie will be. While moving, kick your foot on the tail of the skateboard as hard as you can. At the same moment, you would want to jump high up, off your back foot. Main factor would be to time nicely for this. When the tail of the skateboard hit the ground, jump off the foot into the air. This have to be done quickly to have a fluid motion.
Step 3 - Guiding the board
As you are in the air, roll inward your front foot slightly and guide the skateboard with the outer part of your foot. Some refer this as dragging the side of the front foot up the skateboard. Doing this is quite tricky if you are learning how to do an ollie for beginners. But do not despair! Keep practicing it and you will get it in no time!
Step 4 - Higher Ollie
When you jump, pull both your knees up high ( I mean really really HIGH! You get the point right? ) Try to get your knees up to your chest. The formula in getting a HIGH OLLIE is basically = DEEP CROUCHING(prior to ollie) & HIGH KNEE(during the jump).
Step 5 - Landing
"What goes up, must come down" During your landing, remember to bend your knees. This is absolutely crucial especially if you have a high ollie as the shock of the landing will be absorbed. Furthermore, your knees are prevented from getting hurt during the landing process. Finally, it improves your balance too.
And now, that's how to do an ollie for beginners! If you have a hard time remembering all the steps, take your time and slowly learn this one step at a time.